Anne Paisley - Livewell Swindon Hub Administrator

Ann Paisley

Tell us about yourself 

I am by trade a professional florist with 38 years of experience which includes five years working on board the QE2 providing floral displays for special events, gifts for passengers and corsages for special events, a wedding and a couple of funerals. I spent 16 years teaching others entering the profession including a couple of Chelsea competition medal winners. I still dabble as a freelance florist in my spare time. I’ve even been able to use my skills at a couple of ‘Coffee and Connection’s events run by the Community Research Team.

My journey to SBC started at SEQOL in the spring of 2015 as temporary cover for a member of the team.  At the time the role revolved around Stop Smoking Support and Free NHS Health Checks. I sent invitation letters out on behalf of GP Surgeries and booked client appointments for the team that delivered the service. The team moved to SBC at the end of the year and I continued my role as a temp.

In 2017, I was employed by the Community Health and Wellbeing team, I am one of a small team of administrators for the Community Health and Wellbeing team.  Our role is to process referrals received for support from one of the services provided by the Community Health and Wellbeing Team, these include Community Navigators, Circles, Steps to Health, Health Lives, Active and Inclusive and Live and Kicking each with specific eligibility criteria.  Referrals received need to be checked to ensure they meet the required criteria for the service, referred clients are called to let them know we have received a referral for them and check the details are correct before passing onto the relevant team or in some cases signpost clients to alternative service providers.


A need to be kept busy. The team spirit and camaraderie are brilliant, everyone is friendly and helpful. There will always be challenges, the best part is finding the solution for the client’s individual situation, someone in the team will be able to direct to the potential options.